Lenten Discussions - beginning with meal at 6:00 pm:
March 5: Potluck Lovefeast - Bring a dish to share.
March 12th: Walking the Labyrinth - Exploring an ancient practice of contemplative walking prayer.
March 19th: Church Spaces - Remembering worship and fellowship in our church.
March 26th: Lectio Divina - Sharing in a practice of scripture-led prayer.
April 2nd: Singstunde - remembering and sharing in our favorite songs, within and outside Moravian publications.
April 9th: Empty Bowls - The pottery class is making 100 bowls to serve our congregation and community as worship and as service.
Holy Week:
April 13th - Palm Sunday Readings: 7:00PM
April 14th - Monday: Holy Week Readings at 7:00PM
April 15th - Tuesday: Holy Week Readings at 7:00PM
April 16th - Wednesday: Bethany Fellowship Meal and Holy Week conversations at 6:00PM
April 17th - Maundy Thursday: Holy Communion & Holy Week Readings at 7:00PM
April 18th - Good Friday: Holy Week Readings at 2:15PM
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