Empty Bowls - A benefit for St. James Food Pantry

Empty Bowls - A benefit for St. James Food Pantry

The pottery class is making 100 bowls to serve meals to our congregation and community as worship and as service.

Proceeds will benefit the St. James Food Pantry to stock food for the hungry. Purchase a handmade bowl to keep filled with soup: $10 Adults; $5 Kids.


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Christmas Lovefeast and Candlelight Service

Christmas Lovefeast and Candlelight Service

The Christmas Lovefeast and Candlelight Service is a special time in the life of our congregation and we are glad to welcome you. We hope it will an opportunity where you can pause, find quiet, and take time to breathe. Perhaps, during this time, we can all realize a new vision for ourselves and our community: one where love presides vulnerably and miraculously in our lives. and may that love bring us life, encourage joy, and grant our world peace.

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Lenten and Holy Week Schedule

Lenten and Holy Week Schedule

Lenten Discussions - beginning with meal at 6:00 pm:

March 5: Potluck Lovefeast - Bring a dish to share.

March 12th: Walking the Labyrinth - Exploring an ancient practice of contemplative walking prayer.

March 19th: Church Spaces - Remembering worship and fellowship in our church.

March 26th: Lectio Divina -  Sharing in a practice of scripture-led prayer.

April 2nd: Singstunde - remembering and sharing in our favorite songs, within and outside Moravian publications.

April 9th: Empty Bowls - The pottery class is making 100 bowls to serve our congregation and community as worship and as service.

Holy Week: 

April 13th - Palm Sunday Readings: 7:00PM

April 14th - Monday: Holy Week Readings at 7:00PM

April 15th - Tuesday: Holy Week Readings at 7:00PM

April 16th - Wednesday: Bethany Fellowship Meal and Holy Week conversations at 6:00PM

April 17th - Maundy Thursday: Holy Communion & Holy Week Readings at 7:00PM

April 18th - Good Friday: Holy Week Readings at 2:15PM

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Triad Community Band Concert

Triad Community Band Concert

We invite the community to join us for a concert by Triad Community Band. The concert is FREE but we ask that you please consider bringing canned/non-perishable donations to benefit Crisis Control Ministry.

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